I lost my MAC virginity.


The title pretty much says it all. 

The other week I had an excuse to pop into the city - the Miley Cyrus concert! (It currently takes me about an hour and a half to get into Britomart from my house, so trips to the city at the moment tend to be rare occurrences :( )

My friend and I headed into town a bit early to do a bit of shopping, and Britomart had us running. 

After a quick trip to Karen Walker (completely fell in love with a handbag, yet my bank balance had me running the other way) we popped into MAC, and I couldn't help grabbing some goodies. 

I've been lusting after a MAC lipstick for a while and chose Ruby woo. Whenever I'm off out somewhere, 9/10 I got for a matte red lip, so this was an obvious choice. It got it's first wear that night at Miley and I LOVE it. Plus, can we talk about how great it smells?!?

I also picked up a mini Strobe cream as well. I've heard a lot about this product, and as I can never seem to say no to any minis, this somehow managed to pop into the counter and into my bag. Oops. 

If you have any other MAC recommendations, definitely comment below!


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  1. It sounds so lovely! I'm yet to try a MAC lipstick, but you've definitely convinced me that I need to!

    1. To be honest, I've not worn the lipstick that many times, BUT OMG it smells amazing! I find myself getting it out y drawer just to smell it!


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