NZFW | My second day


Yesterday (Thursday) was my second day over at New Zealand Fashion Week working for the backstage blog. 

It was a veeeerry busy day, but that just made it more enjoyable. 

Meeting new up and coming designers has probably been my highlight of the week. They're always so enthusiastic and happy and excited. And sometimes so nervous that they're shaking! 

Watching shows with more than one designers are fun too - I love seeing the contrasting styles and aesthetics straight after one another.  Getting to see the shows being prepped backstage makes the whole show different too. 

I got to watch the Cèline Rita show, where the whole show had a French feel to it (we all got a mini croissant on our seats as a little present - YUM).  There were some reaaaaally gorgeous clothes on show. Not seeing anything before hand made everything a surprise.

Next up was the New Generation show. I'd seen the hair and make up before hand, and the clothes hung up backstage, but seeing them out there under the lights and on an actual human is something completely different. 

Coop was the next show I went to. I loved the more playful aspect to the clothes, compared to the Trelise Cooper show on Tuesday.  Next was the Resene Designer Collection show, which I didn't get to see, but I did get to catch up with a couple of friends I haven't seen in so long. Which was nice. Plus the whole show was streamed onto a screen just outside the runway, so we did get to see it, which was a nice bonus. 

I then got to go backstage and interview for Hailwood. That was some AMAZING make up, and nail art with some interesting hair styles to match. Read my Backstage Blog post here!

I was a bit unsure whether to stay for Kate Sylvester, mainly because it was starting late (and running late) and I was so tired, thanks to sleeping on my brothers uncomfortable couch (and flatmate that left for uni before 7). But I did and I'm so glad I did. I loved the confetti, especially the guys sat in the rafter dropping it ;)


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  1. Sounds like a great experience! I'm glad you had such a good time xo

    Shannon |


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