Have you heard of Giovanna Fletcher?
Basically, it's about a girl (Sophie) who doesn't know what to do with her future so gets a job at the local tea shop. Fast forward seven years and she's still working there. A building/farm near by becomes the set for a movie, Sophie soon falls for the main star of the movie - Billy Buskin. It follows their love story through its ups and downs, from their sleepy village to London and back.
Though there was much speculation when Gi first announced the plot of this book - was it her way of discussing what it's like to be the girlfriend of a famous person? Was Billy Buskin's character based off her husband?
Gi confirmed all those rumors were false, and there was only one person inspired by a real life friend - and that was Molly. The sweet, lovable teashop opener - one of those people you can't help fall in love with.
Gi's second book was released in May this year - mum was super eager to buy it, and managed to preorder it off Book Depository last December!
You're the one that I want, like Billy and Me is a love story (it's not the sequel).

It's the sweetest story, and I'm still unsure whether I liked the ending... after finishing reading it, I almost there was a twist in the epilogue where the other guy got the girl, but there wasn't. It's been a few weeks since I read it, and I think I'm coming to terms with it.
I loved that You're the one that I want had a couple of references back to Billy and Me which had me giggling :)
I think I do prefer You're the one that I want, but they are both such good reads. The best part is that they're chick-lit, and SUPER easy to read. I re-read Billy and Me the week before last - I got on the train and got the book out and started reading. Next thing I knew, we were at Britomart (not bad for an hour and 15 min train ride!). The same happened on the way back.
I would DEFINITELY recommend both these books!
Billy and Me is available at Paper Plus, but I would recommend getting them both from Book Depository - they're not too expensive, and there's free shipping!
Billy and Me
You're the one that I want
Read them and then go tweet @MrsGiFletcher about how much you love them too!!